

EIS Radar Papers

Enterprise Strategies for Sustainable Innovation - Linking economic, organizational and institutional perspectives
Jens Frøslev Christensen, Bernhard Truffer and Marko Hekkert 

TIS Interactions with technological, sectorial, political and geographical contexts: some lessons for analysts
Anna Bergek, Marko Hekkert, Staffan Jacobsson, Jochen Markard and Bernhard Truffer

Indicators of energy innovation systems and their dynamics. A review of current practice and research in the field
Mads Borup, Antje Klitkou, Maj Munch Andersen, Daniel S. Hain, Jesper Lindgaard Christensen and Klaus Rennings

Energy Innovation Systems. Structure of an emerging scholarly field and its future research directions
Bernhard Truffer, Jochen Markard, Christian Binz and Staffan Jacobsson 


Other publications


Exploring Transition of Large Technological Systems through Relational Data - A study of the Danish Smart Grid Development
PhD dissertation by Roman Jurowetzki

EIS Survey 2016. Spørgeskemaundersøgelse om innovation og samspil på energiområdet i Danmark
Mads Borup og Mathias Markner

Energy Innovation Systems, Indicator Report 2016
Mads Borup and Antje Klitkou in collaboration with Eric Iversen

Unveiling scientific communities about sustainability and innovation. A bibliometric journey around sustainable terms
Simone Franceschini, Lourenço G.D. Faria and Roman Jurowetzki

Regional foresight and dynamics of smart specialization: A typology of regional diversification patterns
Kalle A. Piirainen, Anne Nygaard Tanner and Lars Alkærsig

Differences and similarities of energy innovation systems – comparison of five technology areas in Denmark, Paper for the 7th International Sustainability Transitions Conference (IST), Wuppertal, September 2016
Mads Borup

Non-disruptive regime changes - The case of competing energy efficient lighting trajectories
Simone Franceschini and Floortje Alkemade

In search of solutions. Inertia, knowlege sources and diversity in collaborative problem-solving
PhD dissertation by Anders Ørding Olsen

The Network Dynamics of Financing Technological (R-) Evolution. The case of Technological Change in the Renewable Energy Area
PhD dissertation by Daniel S. Hain.

Greenagers out in Town - The Collaboration Patterns of Entrepreneurial Green Firms
Jesper Lindgaard Christensen, Daniel S. Hain, Leticia Antunes Nogueira 

Mapping the (R-)Evolution of Technological Fields – A Semantic Network Approach
Roman Jurowetzki and Daniel S. Hain  

Innovation-enabling policy and regime transformation towards increased energy efficiency: the case of the circulator pump industry in Europe
Tobias Møller Ruby, 2015

Technological innovation systems in contexts: Conceptualizing contextual structures and interaction dynamics
Anna Bergek, Marko Hekkert, Staffan Jacobsson, Jochen Markard, Björn Sandén and Bernhard Truffer 

Standardization and Green Economic Change - the Case of Energy Efficiency in Buildings
EURAS Conference, Copenhagen 2015
Maj Munch Andersen and Lourenco Faria

Beyond unsustainable eco-innovation: The role of narratives in the evolution of the lighting sector
Simone Franceschini and Mario Pasera 

Organizational capabilities and new market entry processes: Laying the grounds for empirical investigation
Leticia Antunes Nogueira  

The role of incumbents in open innovations:  Supporting or Suppressing Disruption? (working paper)
Anders Ørding Olsen 

Exploring Technology Evolution in Danish Smart Grid Development - An NLP approach
Roman Jurowetzki 

Characteristics of networks in energy efficiency research, development and demonstration - a comparison of actors, technological domains and network structure in seven research areas
Tobias Møller Ruby

Project Level Approaches for Open Innovation
Project Characteristics and Open Innovation Configurations (working paper) 
Anders Ørding Olsen 

Organizational capabilities and ambidexterity in offshore Wind
Leticia Antunes Nogueira

The Evolution of R & D Networks in Public funded Renewable Energy Research, IKE, DRUID, Aalborg University, July 2013.
Daniel S. Hain

In search of solutions: The Influence of Knowledge Diversity and Leader Choice on Search Quality (working paper)
Anders Ørding Olsen

Incremental by design? On the Role of Incumbents in Technology Niches - an evolutionary Network analysis, 2013
Daniel s. Hain and Roman Jurowetzki 

Local and global knowledge sourcing in wind power innovation
Anne Nygaard Tanner

Nichehunting? - Exploring the influence of incumbents on niche dynamics in transitions to sustainability, 2013
Roman Jurowetzki

Indicators of collaboration in energy innovation systems - what is needed and what is possible?
Mads Borup, 2013

Energy Innovation Systems. Indicator Report 2012
Antje Klitkou and Mads Borup in collaboration with Eric Iversen 

Environmental Challenges: Collaborative search for solutions (working paper)
Anders Ørding Olsen

EIS Survey 2011. Spørgeskemaundersøgelse om innovation og samspil på energiområdet i Danmark
Mads Borup, Dina Cecilie Jacobsen og Anush Bagratunjan

Spatial knowledge dynamics from a firm perspective: The use of innovation biography to grasp time and space in energy technology development
Anne Nygaard Tanner